what exactly u write in when_new_form_instance

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More Oracle Forms Reports Interview Questions

Table 1: STUDIES PNAME (VARCHAR), SPLACE (VARCHAR), COURSE (VARCHAR), CCOST (NUMBER) Table 2: SOFTWARE PNAME (VARCHAR), TITLE (VARCHAR), DEVIN (VARCHAR), SCOST (NUMBER), DCOST (NUMBER), SOLD (NUMBER) Table 3: PROGRAMMER PNAME (VARCHAR), DOB (DATE), DOJ (DATE), SEX (CHAR), PROF1 (VARCHAR), PROF2 (VARCHAR), SAL (NUMBER) PNAME – Programmer Name, SPLACE – Study Place, CCOST – Course Cost, DEVIN – Language the software or package is developed in, SCOST – Software Cost, DCOST – Development Cost, PROF1 – Proficiency 1 Use the above table definitions to answer the questions that follow. Find out the selling cost average for packages developed in Oracle. Display the names, ages and experiences of all programmers How much revenue has been earned through

1 Answers   Azri Solutions,

What do you mean by a pop-up window ?

1 Answers  

What are the two repeating frame always associated with matrix object?

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What is the use of break group?

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Is it possible to insert comments into sql statements return in the data model editor?

1 Answers  

What is the use of transactional triggers?

1 Answers  

suppose there are two textfields t1,t2 in form and we have some value in textfield t1.now the question is that how can we copy the value of the t1 to textfield t2?

2 Answers   Oasis,

what are different types of canvas views?

3 Answers  

How image_items can be populate to field in forms 4.0?

1 Answers  

what is the difference between oracle reports 6i and oracle reports 10g? give atleast 10 differences? (plz give the answer vvvvvvvvvvv.urgent)

1 Answers   IBM, Oracle,

How many types of trigger can be used in a table at a time ?

7 Answers  

Commited block sometimes refer to a BASE TABLE ? True or False.

1 Answers  

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