What is typedf?
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what is meant by flushll() in c programming?
What is the process to generate random numbers in c programming language?
What is time null in c?
What is a class c rental property?
write a code for large nos multilication (upto 200 digits)
What are pointers? What are different types of pointers?
write a program that declares an array of 30 elements named "income" in the main functions. then cal and pass the array to a programmer-defined function named "getIncome" within the "getIncome" function, ask the user for annual income of 30 employees. then calculate and print total income on the screen using the following function: "void getIncome ( ai []);
write a program that will accept two integers and will implement division without using the division operator if the second value is an odd number and will implement multiplication without using multiplication operator if the second value is an even number.
What are the data types present in c?
how to print value of e(exp1)up to required no of digits after decimal?
What is #define size in c?
write a program to display the numbers having digit 9 in the given range from 1 to 100