Describe functional overloading?

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / ningu

functional overloading means in a program we can have one or
more functions with the same name but they must differ in

:No of parameters passed
:order of the parameter passed
:the type of the parameter

Oop languages like C++ and Java posses this tecnique

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / abhishek sinha

functiion overloading means in a program we can define more
than function with the same name but different argument.

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / rasool

Ningu, its not necessary that the functions 'must' differ
in the :No of parameters passed
:order of the parameter passed
:the type of the parameter.

say, I have a function Add(int a , int b)
I still can have a function Add(int*a,int*b).

Function overloading is type of polymorphism in C++.i.e
multiple forms of the same function(methods).Function
overloading comes under compile time polymorphism.

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / harini

function overloading means ,the same functions which is used for different purpose with different parameter..

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / naidu

method name is same and signature is different, signature
means, .type of parameters or
.order of parameters or
.number of param

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Describe functional overloading?..

Answer / vignesh

c consists of both object oriented and function oriented
but whereas java consists of only object oriented language

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