What is meant by Swing?

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / chnvganesh_mca

Swing is a library of GUI controls which improves upon
the Abstract Window Toolkit.

AWT uses operating system calls to draw components;
Swing draws components using its own methods. This gives
developers much greater flexibility in designing the look
and feel of their applications, while at the same time
ensuring that the applications maintain the same look and
feel across different platforms.

Swing provides significantly enhanced functionality,
such as actions, tables, trees, images buttons, tabs,
toolbars, and sliders.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 2 No

What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / jitender singh

Swing is a library of GUI controls which improves upon
the Abstract Window Toolkit.

AWT uses operating system calls to draw components;
Swing draws components using its own methods. This gives
developers much greater flexibility in designing the look
and feel of their applications, while at the same time
ensuring that the applications maintain the same look and
feel across different platforms.

Swing provides significantly enhanced functionality,
such as actions, tables, trees, images buttons, tabs,
toolbars, and sliders.

swing is actuallly part of a larger family of java product
know as java foundation classes(JFC) which have many
features.swaing is used to create a feature rich user
interface with icon,images,tooltips and customized
controls.It is a part of the GUI components.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / ramya

Swing is basically a set of customisable graphical
components whose look-and-feel can be dictated at runtime.
• Pre-built look-and-feel: Motif, Windows, Macintosh,
Metal on a any platform
• Personal look-and-feel also definable

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / rego

Basically swing is java framework it willAWT uses operating
system calls to draw components;

Swing draws components using its own methods. This gives
developers much greater flexibility in designing the look
and feel of their applications, while at the same time
ensuring that the applications maintain the same look and
feel across different platforms.

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / harivardhan.a

when overlapping occur between lightweightcomponent and
heavyweight component,always heavy weight component is top

2)the lightweight component is one that "borrows" the
screen resources of an ancestic(it has no native resources)
so it is lightweight component

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / manikandan

swing is a Framework.

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / devi

Swing is a set of program component s for Java programmers that provide the ability to create graphical user interface ( GUI ) components, such as buttons and scroll bars, that are independent of the windowing system for specific operating system . Swing components are used with the Java Foundation Classes ( JFC ).

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What is meant by Swing?..

Answer / mita swain

swing is actuallly part of a larger family of java product
know as java foundation classes(JFC) which have many
features.swaing is used to create a feature rich user
interface with icon,images,tooltips and customized
controls.It is a part of the GUI components.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

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