Who developed JScript language?

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Who developed JScript language?..

Answer / ranganathkini

JScript is a derivative the ECMAScript standard regulated by
the ECMA standards comittee. ECMAScript/JavaScript became a
popular scripting language that cud be embedded into
standard HTML/XHTML pages to perform dynamic client-side
actions. Netscape supported JavaScript in their Navigator
web-browser and Microsoft added it to Microsoft Internet

Soon Microsoft started developing extra features for the
language such as new objects and added this to their
Internet Explorer product. This cause a lot of problems for
web developers to provide a consistent experience of their
web sites across different browsers.

Hence Microsoft took off and renamed their implementation of
the ECMAScript as JScript.

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Who developed JScript language?..

Answer / mahesh

javascript was originally developed by Netscape(not to be
confused with java, they are two different languages!)

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Who developed JScript language?..

Answer / sudhakar

There is a difference between javascript and JScript.

Javascript was originally developed by Netscape. Now this
known as Firefox.

JScript was developed by Microsoft. Microsoft has other
scripting languages too.

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