what is the leak test procedure of filled bottles (liquid)
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Iam a B.PHARMA GRADUATE from DELHI UNIVERSITY and I am looking forward for DRUG INSPECTOR EXAM..kindly mail me any ques papaers reg the same...
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Anyone have any idea when to conduct Uniformity of Weight (UOW) and when need to conduct Uniformity of Dosage Units (UOD) or when need both? I read BP it only said if average weight < or = 0.04g then just conduct UOD, no need UOW. Under UOD section, it doesnt say when need to conduct UOD but just said UOD got two type, one is Mass Variation (MV), another is Content Uniformity (CU) and under what conditions to conduct them. For USP, no UOW section, only got UOD section.
0 Answers Alchem, Getz Pharma Research, Hovid Berhad,