What are the issues which are assumed to be the cause of the sluggish adoption of Wi-Fi technology?
Answer / rajendra gupta
Security Problems: Security concerns have held back Wi-Fi adoption in the corporate world. Hackers and security consultants have demonstrated how easy it can be to crack the current security technology known as wired equivalent privacy (WEP) used in most Wi-Fi connections. A hacker can break into a Wi-Fi network using readily available materials and software.
Compatibility and Interpretability: One of the bigger problems with Wi-Fi is compatibility and interpretability; for example, 802.11a products are not compatible with 802.11b products, due to the different operating frequencies and 802.11a hotspots would not help a 802.11b client. Due to lack of standardization, harmonization and certification, different vendors come out with products that do not work with each other.
Billing Issues: Wi-Fi vendors are also looking for ways to solve the problem of back-end integration and billing that has dogged the roll-out of commercial Wi-Fi hotspots. Some of the ideas under consideration for Wi-Fi billing include per day, per hour and unlimited monthly connection fees.
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