why the election commossion order to cover all politician
statues before elections

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why the election commossion order to cover all politician statues before elections..

Answer / homtu

To prevent criminilisation of politics or to achieve total decriminalization of politics which hampers smooth functioning of democracy. Refer to RPA art 65 (8)

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why the election commossion order to cover all politician statues before elections..

Answer / prathamesh tiwari

they do it so that they can serve the nation as same as the social worker now in the statues did

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why the election commossion order to cover all politician statues before elections..

Answer / prathamesh tiwari

they do it so that they can serve the nation as same as the social workers did

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why the election commossion order to cover all politician statues before elections..

Answer / prathamesh tiwari

they visit the statues so that they serve the nation in the way as the social workers did for the nation

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