I Have a class abstract with one abstract method, so that
method should override in the subclass, but i dont want to
override, if i am not override what will happen? If
compilation will occur then i dont want to give compilation
error, then what we need to do???
See the sample program.
public abstract class AbstractExample {
public abstract void sampleMethod();
public class AbstractExampleImple extends AbstractExample {


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I Have a class abstract with one abstract method, so that method should override in the subclass, ..

Answer / kvsravindrareddy

Normally abstract method should implement in the subclass,
otherwise application will give compilation error. If you want
to without compilation error, then subclass also make as a
abstract class, application will not give any compilation
See the below sample code.

public abstract class AbstractExample {
public abstract void sampleMethod();
public abstract class AbstractExampleImple extends
AbstractExample {


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I Have a class abstract with one abstract method, so that method should override in the subclass, ..

Answer / shreya tanavade

if you dont want to override the abstract method i.e. SampleMethod ,then you must declare the subclass as ABSTRACT..i.e.declare....public declare class AbstractExampleImple ...otherwise it wuld throw compilation error

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