What is the difference(or similarity if there are some)
between object and a variable?

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What is the difference(or similarity if there are some) between object and a variable?..

Answer / dipty

A variable can hold asingle type of variable at a time..but an object can hold a number of variables of different type.

int a = 4; // a would be the variable
Car b = new Car();// b is an object
b.carGo();// this is an method in the object car created below.
class Car()
void carGo()
car moves;

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What is the difference(or similarity if there are some) between object and a variable?..

Answer / ved.b.tripahti

Variables : variables are the place holder for a particular
type of data and this type actually determine how much space
this var will take in the memory.

int varEx = 2; // here varEx is a integer type variable that
take integer literals and will be used as identifier for the

Object : Object shows the behavior that a particular class
can perform.this object is a medium to access the behaviour
of class.
Object may regards as the blue print of a particular class.

Car carObj = new Car(); // carObj is the reference ID of the
Car class.

here -- new Car() is the actual object that will be created
by JVM.

Note :- Object always created using - new keyword.the
identifier before =, is the reference id of new Car() object,
carObj is not the actual object itself.

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What is the difference(or similarity if there are some) between object and a variable?..

Answer / udayasri

Variable: Variable is a value which is change during the run
time of the program, and it allocates the memory space for
the particular data type which we mention as var = "something"
Object: Object is the blue print of the class i.e. it shows
the behavior of the class. It creates memory for that whole
class and even class is refer by this object only.

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What is the difference(or similarity if there are some) between object and a variable?..

Answer / ameca1

What I know is all variables are objects but not the reverse
. . .

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