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QUESTION #1 It's the largest body of water surrounded by land within a familiar political entity. However, when compared to similar landforms in the region....it's all but a puddle. QUESTION #2 This eastern hemisphere (large) stream of water has the same name as a tiny town in the Bluegrass State, and a fishing pond in the Sunshine State. QUESTION #3 With a now-estimated 15 million plus residents, it's not even the largest metro area in its country. QUESTION #4 The rescue of a famous explorer happened in this indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf. QUESTION #5 An important harbor city in the 14th century, it was repositioned in an effort to maintain its viability, a viability that remains to this day.

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The policeman saw the thief.The policeman ran after the thief (No sooner......)

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What's the difference between PageRank and ToolBar PageRank?

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what is the salary for clerk in bob? i just got appointment letter... the basic salary mentioned as 7200 + other allowances. I would like to know the total salary with all the allowances included.. anybody can help me out !!!

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