Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if
you are already using Struts?

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Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if you are already using Struts?..

Answer / vamsikrishna.i

1.Struts is only for web Applications.We can not develop any
type of Java,J2EE applications by using Struts Framework.
2.We can not Integrate other Frameworks with Any other Java
Oriented Frameworks.
1.Spring is for developing any kind of Java,J2EE applications.
2.It is Layered architecture.We can integrate any no of
Frameworks with Spring.
3.It has So many features like AOP,IOC.

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Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if you are already using Struts?..

Answer / sreenivasulu

using spring to dovelop all kind of applications it provide
built in container in the form of classes no need to
install saperatly that

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Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if you are already using Struts?..

Answer / sreenivasulu

using spring to dovelop all kind of applications it provide
built in container in the form of classes no need to
install saperatly that

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