Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / anonymous

Assume, there are two real persons.
Jayan - He provides some calculation services to people.
He lives in WebLogic Server.

When some one want to ask him to do calculations, they
should connect to WebLogic Server.
When jayan is being called by some one, the weblogic server
creates his Duplicate-1 in the calling people's Computer.
this is stub.
In the Weblogic also there is Dup-2 created. this is
Actually the stub asks the server to make jayan perform the
But in reality, the Dup2 carries this request to Jayan. So
the other guy cannot DIRECTLY talk to jayan. All messages
will be intercepted by Dup1.
Jayan takes messages from Dup1 and perform the task.

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / janu

Stub-Its a Client side activity.This Functionality is
Marshalling and Unmarshalling.
Skeleton-Its a Server Side Activity.Its Response for the
Client's Purpose.

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / anonymous

"""All messages will be intercepted by Dup1.
Jayan takes messages from Dup1 and perform the task"""

Should read as --- Dup2---

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / deepika

stub in client generally marshalls the data and sends to skeleton in server where deMarshalling takes place

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / prabhu

wat dup1 and dup 2 stands for?and is it kind of an object?

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / ankit sharma

hello i am working on my Mtech project of remote event
notification and monitering in JAVA
can anyonw plz help regaring ang any book or any study material
thanks in advance

mail me at ankit.success@gmail.com

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Explain the stub's and skeleton's functionality?..

Answer / anonymous

If you have doubts post here,Iwill reply.

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