1.What type of material can be sent from a Java servlet to
a browser ? How does the browser know how to deal with the
2.Explain what happens to a servlet when a servlet engine
is sent a GET request.

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WORKING STORAGE 01 WS-LENGTH PIC 9(1) VALUE 5. 01 DFHCOMMAREA. COPY ABCDEF (COPYBOOK ABCDEF IS HAVING ONLY ONE VARIABLE OF LENGTH X (100).) .. PROCEDUER DIVISION. ... EXEC CICS XCTL PROGRAM (WS-PGM) COMMAREA (DFHCOMMAREA) LENGTH (WS-LENGTH) RESP (WC-RESPONSE) END-EXEC 1. What will be the value of EIBCALEN in program ABCDEF? 2. What will be length of commarea when in ABCDEF? 3. Will such a code thow any error while linking to called program? Thanks in Advance

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