Is there any book to know about Basics of C Language?
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Answer / samir
Programming with C
Author is yashwant Kanetkar
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Define function ?Explain about arguments?
2 Answers Geometric Software, Infosys,
write a C program: To search a file any word which starts with ?a?. If the word following this ?a? starts with a vowel.Then replace this ?a? with ?a? with ?an?. redirect with the output onto an output file.The source file and destination file are specified by the user int the command line.
which type of aspect you want from the student.
Explain how do you convert strings to numbers in c?
What would happen to X in this expression: X += 15; (assuming the value of X is 5)
How can we open a file in Binary mode and Text mode?what is the difference?
What is sizeof int?
Convert the following expression to postfix and prefix X $ Y Z - M + N + P / Q / (R + S)
c language interview questions & answer
What is a Genralised LInked List?? Please give a detailed explation of it..
What is difference between %d and %i in c?
Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors