Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?

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Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?..

Answer / nimmathota

Apache with Jserv is no longer a supported webapplication
server combination. Customers can choose which web
applicationserver to run during installation time.In a
mixed PeopleTools 8.1x and 8.4 environment, each
PeopleTools installationshould have their own chain of web
application server and application server,PeopleSoft
Proprietary and Confidential Page, these can be on the same

Got this information from other listing while search same
kind of question. thought place it as it is getting many

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Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?..

Answer / praveen

Apache JServ was a servlet engine that was supported in PeopleTools 8.1x. This support has been removed from PeopleTools 8.4 for several reasons: v JServ is no longer an active product and is in maintenance mode and there are no longer any new official releases. v Our customers have exhibited a desire to use commercial products for mission-critical enterprise web application servers rather than open source solutions. Therefore, moving to support Tomcat is not seen as a reasonable solution. v Apache can still be used as an HTTP server with BEA WebLogic .

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