what are the advantage of pointer variables? write a program
to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string

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what are the advantage of pointer variables? write a program to count the number of vowels and cons..

Answer / rama krishna sidhartha

The advantage of pointer variables is to reduce the memory
space of another variables.

I don't know how to write the program for counting the
vowels and consonants. If anybody knows please mail to


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what are the advantage of pointer variables? write a program to count the number of vowels and cons..

Answer / gaurav kumar

#include <stdio.h>

int vowel;
int consonant;

void check_vowel(char c)
if ( c != 'a' && c != 'e' && c != 'i' && c != 'o' && c != 'u' && c != 'A' && c != 'E' && c != 'I' && c != 'O' && c != 'U')
consonant ++;

int main(void) {
char p[25];
char *ptr=p;

printf("Enter a string:");
scanf(" %[^\n]25s",p);


while(*ptr != '\0')
if(*ptr != ' ')
printf("The number of vowels : %d and consonants : %d in %s \n",vowel,consonant,p);

return 0;

Please mail me if any compact solution?

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what are the advantage of pointer variables? write a program to count the number of vowels and cons..

Answer / vadivelt


CountVowCons(char *ptr, int *count);

int main()
char *ptr;
int count[2];
ptr = (char *)malloc(200);
ptr = gets(ptr);
CountVowCons(ptr, count);
printf("\nNO OF VOWELS:%d \nNO OF CONS: %d",count[0], count

CountVowCons(char *ptr, int *count)
int Vowcount = 0, Conscount = 0;
while(*ptr != '\0')
if((*ptr == 'a') || (*ptr == 'A') || (*ptr == 'e') ||
(*ptr == 'E') || (*ptr == 'i') ||
(*ptr == 'I') || (*ptr == 'o') || (*ptr == 'O') ||
(*ptr == 'u') || (*ptr == 'U'))

else if((*ptr >= 65 && *ptr <= 90) ||
(*ptr >= 97 && *ptr <= 122))


*count++ = Vowcount;
*count = Conscount;

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