what is difference between interface and abstract class..?
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Answer / vinod kumar
Abstract: The members of abstract class is implemented
immediately in next class and the methods of abstract class
is blank.. as follows
abstract clas A
static void example();
static void ex1();
Interface: interface class can be implemented in other
program also....
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Answer / vamsi
Abstract method means means it does n't have any
Interface contains 0 or more abstract methods
Abstract class contains abstract methods as well as general
If any of any of the class that extends the abstract class
does n't implement some of the methods , it will be marked
as abstract.
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Answer / kumar
1)It will contain only abstract methods
Abstract Class:
1)Any class can be declared an abstract class ,but if a
class contains an abstract method it should be declared as
an abstract class.
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Answer / nipun advinder
1)In interface you cannot provide any implementations of
any function.
2)you must give implementations for all the methods of an
interface if you implement it in a class
3)cannot have private method
4)Scenario to use it would be to separate out the
implementation from the api
Abstract Class:
1)In interface you can provide implementations of any
function but at least one function should be abstract.
2)you must give implementations for all the abstract
methods of a abstract class if you extend it in a class
3)can have private method
4)Scenario to use it would be to denote is as a generalized
class which could provide some common functionality and you
want that it cannot be instantiated instead more
specialized forms are used.
eg abstract class account
class savingsaccount extends account
class currentaccount extends account
In this scenario assume that class account cannot provide
the complete functionality alone but contain some standard
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