Women want liberation. What kind of liberation? From Whom
or From What?
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hi, i have cleared written test of clerical bank of baroda... anyone plz share what kind of questions are asked in interview???? and how to prepare for it?
My birth day is 15-11-1974 and my age is 34 years 1 month and 17 days is on 01-01-2009. The recruitment agency asks candidate age must be less than 35 years. Wheather I am eligible for the vaccancy? Kindly help me
When was Dara Shiko brother of Aurangzeb executed?
sir i have a 3 year gap in my studies as i dropped couple of years while preparing for IIT. Though i couldn't clear IIT. Therefore, I joined an engineering colllege in Punjab, but unsatisfied with standards over there i left that college after completing 1st semeester and took admission in IP University. my present stream is computer science.would this 3 year gap in my course of studies would hamper my job prospects?
Order Management Questions on the Oracle applications. ================================================= A)Explain the basic flow of Order Management Regular Sales order cycle. B)Explain the difference between the pick release and Ship Confirm process. c)Explain the Credit Check functionality. d)Explain the Ship Confirm Rule e)Explain how the price can be given to an item. f)Explain how can we Generate an invoice once we booked the order for a shippable item. g)Explain the Pricing Entities 1)Modifiers 2)Qualifiers. h)If the Ship Confirm button is Greyed out from the Shipping Transactions form what could be the reason. i)Explain the KFF’s in Order management Inventory a)Explain types of move orders b)Explain the Planning Methods c)Explain the Difference between Purchasable and purchased attributes. d)Explain KFF’s In Oracle inventory. e)Explain the Lead times concept. f)What is cumulative lead time and Cummulative Mfg Lead time. g)Explain Standard Costing and Average Costing. h)How can the Lead times be setup in the Item Master. i)Explain how many levels of reservation can be done. Purchasing a)Explain the document types. b)Explain the KFF’s in Purchasing. c)Explain the balancing segment. d)Explain the returns on Purchase order concept. e)Explain the attributes used for the purchasing.
When will Syndicate Bank Probationary clerk recruitment results?
Tell me about your school
HI.i m lakshmi.I shortlisted for syndicate bank PO's exam.I don't know the way of questionery in tht intrvew.I m so tensed to face the intrview.If anyone can know the type of questions n any suggestions plz tell me...
My C licence is getting expired on 30.4.2013.I want to renew the same pls.provide information like renewal fees and other details.
Suppose for example somebody locked you in a room,room contains no windows except one door.what is your reaction?
Financial service/instrument ??