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What's the total generic pointer type?
What are loops c?
Why is #define used?
What is the difference between local variable and global variable in c?
How to add two numbers with using function?
Write a program which has the following seven functions. The functions should be: • main() this calls the other 6 functions • fget_long() a function which returns a long data type from a file • fget_short() a function which returns a short integer variable from a file • fget_float() a function which returns a floating point variable from a file • fprt_long() a function which prints its single, long argument into a file • fprt_short() a function which prints its single, short argument into a file • fprt_float() a function which prints its single, floating point argument into a file. You should use fscanf() to get the values of the variables from the input (the file) and fprintf() to print the values to the other file. Pay attention to using the correct format for each of the data types.
What is difference between array and pointer in c?
What type of function is main ()?
How can I read a directory in a c program?
main() { int i; printf("%d",i^i); }
What are the characteristics of arrays in c?
In which layer of the network datastructure format change is done