Business Administration Interview Questions
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What are the different types of MRP runs(i.e. Regenerative, Net Change etc)


Explain Consumption based planning and Demand based planning, which is better and how?

1 9851

how do you calculate safety stock for consumption based planning?


How do you plan the requirements of material which are very rarely moving and unpredictable in demand?


. what are insurance items?


What is Bullwhip effect in supply Chain, how it affects the supply chain and how would you reduce it?


Explain Stock transfer cycles between two locations and what are the GL postings ?


What would be your sourcing strategy to buy low value items?


How would you evaluate the inventory performance ? What is Inventory Turn Over ratio and what would you recommend to increase it under a set of assumptions.


What is in-transit inventory and how it is calculated, how do you monitor in-transit inventory levels?


. What are different types of contracts ( Blanket and Fixed) in procurement, which type of contract should be used in what conditions.


What the normal terms and conditions in a agreement while signing it with a supplier?


What are the GL postings in Stock revaluation and stock adjustment transactions?


How do you manage stock out situations?


What is Planning horizon and how does it impact MRP and MPS run results ?


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What would be your sourcing strategy to buy low value items?


i want to know step of export of ciramic product ?


hello sir! i am jot n i have applied for student visa which was rejected in july and officer didnt gave my any reason for that.he only asked me that i m applying first time? n second thing he asked m that which university?i told him both the answer but suddenly he said m sorry and didnt gave any reason now i have applied for second time and my interview is in few days..can you please tell m how should i coveince the officer n please tell m if he ask m why i have choosen this university only as there are many other?? should i tell him features or good points of the university??


What the normal terms and conditions in a agreement while signing it with a supplier?


Hii i have written ICET exam in 2009 and secured 3704 rank i would like to know top 10 OU affiliated colleges offering MBA in hyderabad.I also want to know last year for this range of ranks which colleges were offered so in which site this info is given????please mail me the answer as soon as possible


Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks


what is difference between nationilised ,government & commercial bank


Management Accounting is nothing else but financial & Coast Accounting tailored to the requerments of management Defend of critical the statement give reasons


what is debenture


What are the functions of BPO?


Principles of Economics Suppose the price elasticity of demand for the textbooks is two and the price of the textbook is increased by 10% By how much does the quantity demand fall? Enter the results and discuss reason for the fall in quantity demand.


Should excess cash be place in long term investments?


Being a HRM how will you formulate an effective HRP process.


Hi All, i am Karthik and i have applied sor syndicate bank PO's post. I am an MBA graguate and i have 7 years experience in banking and mnc bpo. Will i get call letter for interview?. Pls let me know any tips to clear the interview. My ID is


What is your the greatest weakness?