tell me about a type when you had to use your presentation skill to influence some ones opinion
1355tell me about a time when u had too many things to do and u were required opinion prioritized your talks
1437tell me about a time when u had to many things to do and u were required opinion prioritized your talks.
1464tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you or vice versa.
2052the avg piston speed of an internal combution engine increases as cylinder dimension decreases justify?
5 9376Post New Mechanical Engineering Questions
Which conducts heat faster steel copper or brass?
What type of paper when made into a paper boat floats longest?
How much fuel is to be burn for production of 1 ton steam?
What will be the cause of high temperature in one cylinder of D/E?
sir,i am golng to attend BHEL supervisor trainee personal interview on 11 sept.anyone share me that how could i perform well in interview& what they would expect from me. thank you.
What is the formula for heat loss in a pipe?
Explain working of a fourneyron turbine?
To operate 4 ac of 2 tons how kva genatator need
Why rockets using liquid hydrogen have higher specific impulse compared to liquid hydrocarbon ?
How does a super charger work in a car?
What are the effects of carbon on the properties of steel?
what is the pattern of written test for the post of trainee mechanical engg.
hi fiends i am a diploma engineer(mech).now i am preparing for b.e mech part time course. could be send me entrance questions paper fo me .''
Titan Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
What causes damage to impellers?