RRB exam qustions.
What is the purpose of starting air?
Car tyres are usually made of ?
what is tranformer and transducer
What are the causes of liner high temperature?
What are the different values that need to be determined in order to design a cylinder for an ice?
I need BHEL apptitude questions
What is the cause of cylindrical liner overheating?
what is procedure of measuring operating length of mechanical seal . (in case of centrifugal pump)
What is the maximum P-max for a cylinder in M/E.
tell me about a time when u had to many things to do and u were required opinion prioritized your talks.
Explain the difference between projectile motion and trajectory?
Give me an introduction about myself.iam a engineering student, i would like to know, wat is my qualification till my enginering is not yet completed?
Why iso-octane is chosen as reference fuel for s.i. Engines and allotted 100 value for its octane number ?
Name Of Parts And Each Purpose