Operating Systems Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to identify whether a file is normal file or directory?

3 7486

How to view the hidden files in /etc directory?

10 12966

which command is used to identify the type of the file?

3 8585

How to copy multiple files and directories into some other directory?

4 10877

Will rm -r* removes hidden files?

10 15526

How to rename files and folders?

IBM, Oracle,

7 29141

what are the different commands used to create files?

5 8761

How to delete a directory containing files and folders?

3 8181

what are the different commands used to view the contents of a file?

5 8037

If we want to see first 35 lines of a file which command we have to use?

8 11960

what are the different operating systems available?

3 8688

what are the different hardwares available?

1 3987

what are the differences between CUI and GUI interfaces?

College School Exams Tests, HCL, HP, IBM, IBMR, NIIT, Talco, Wipro,

52 175368

what is kernel?

6 8918

what is shell?

3 7184

Un-Answered Questions { Operating Systems }

What are the core concepts of unix


Can you sort a hashmap?


What is kernel level thread?


What is the quickest sorting algorithm?


What is difference between list and linked list?


How do I always run a program as administrator?


Explain the refresh operation in a dynamic ram?


What is dining philosophers’ problem?


How do I turn off my antivirus on windows 7?


Is binary tree a binary search tree?


Can I download windows 10 on my android phone?


How do I push an element into a stack?


What unix means?


What are the different ways in which data can be represented?


Is it safe to delete junk files?