Mobile OS Interview Questions
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 Which API is used to write test scripts that help in exercising the application's user interface elements?

1 2622

. Why an app on iOS device behaves differently when running in foreground than in background? 

1 2161

 How can an operating system improve battery life while running an app?

1 2112

 Which framework delivers event to custom object when app is in foreground? 

1 2330

. When an app is said to be in not running state? 

1 2609

. Name the app sate which it reaches briefly on its way to being suspended

1 1768

 An app is loaded into memory but is not executing any code. In which state will be in?

1 1527

 Assume that system is running low on memory. What can system do for suspended apps?

1 1783

 How can you respond to state transitions on your app? 

1 1929

. List down app's state transitions when it gets launched. 

1 1606

What is the use of controller object UIApplication?

1 2424

How is the app delegate is declared by Xcode project templates?

1 2356

 Which app specific objects store the app's content?

1 2798

 Are document objects required for an application? What does they offer?

1 1556

Which is the super class of all view controller objects?

1 4621

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What is a serial queue?


In the emulator, networkinterface.getisnetworkavailable() always return false?


What is ios viewwillappear?


What is the swift main advantage?


Can I update my android bluetooth version?


What is pojo class in android?


Explain how to deserialize json from a rest call?


Is swift faster than java?