You would advise a client that's launching a new product line to advertise on the google display network because she can?
32Your ad can show on the google search network when someone searches for terms that are similar to your?
30What is the important to identify special offers like free shipping before building an adwords campaign?
29When setting up a campaign, you can use display planner to get an idea of the budget and bids you should set based on your?
What is pigeon update?
Tell me what is a do-follow link?
Which best describes keyword contextual targeting?
What are paid results?
What are doorway pages?
Define adwords
Can I jumble the positions of words in side the keyword phrases? Does it make the word a new keyword?
What is article ? Why it is necessary for seo?
Do you know what is a web server?
Explain how backlink tools work?
Do you know what is article submission?
What are robots.txt file?
Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow?
List some SEO techniques you follow when a new site is given?
What is google suggest or autocomplete?