SSC General Science Interview Questions
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Which chemical is a neurotransmitter substance?

3 6897

What is the main function of ?Iodised Salt? in human body?

2 6494

Which vegetable oil does not contain the essential fatty acids?

3 5342

Which elements are generally deficit in pregnant women?

1 4420

Why ginger is a stem and not a root?

2 6326

For which eyes of potato are useful?

2 5228

Where the parasite Taenia Solium (Tape worm) lives?

3 6068

How an ant can see the objects all round?

1 7060

What is the approximate time required for a heart beat?

5 8337

Due to which the energy emitted by the Sun?

4 5499

Which animal uses sounds as its ?eyes??

2 5594

Why the sky appears blue?

10 10276

What is the use of Dynamo?

11 18964

What is the chemical name for ?Baking Soda??

Coca Cola, RRB,

17 21371

Which the base of quartz crystal working in the watch?


2 5092

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Un-Answered Questions { SSC General Science }

Dear Sir/Madam, I am applying for the post of Engineering Assistant in Prasar Bharti which was dated in Employment news on 23-02-2013. I completed BSc (Maths, Electronics, ComputerScience).As they said i am eligible to Eng.Assistant post. But when i am trying to enroll my self in Part I Registration at the Qualification column it doesn't shows any Electronics group. It shows Electonics Engineering, Electrical Engineering. So, in these which one i have to pick to my Degree Qualification. Kindly reply me asap.