SSC History Interview Questions
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Who is considered as the greatest of all the Vijayanagar rulers?


4 9285

Which as the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard?


4 7381

The American Civil War saw the end of ?


5 7033

Who was the German General nicknamed ?Desert Fox ?during the Second World War ?

4 6663

To which age Leonardo da vinci represented ?

8 8978

With whom is ?Junagarh Rock Inscription associated?

7 11176

In which subject Nalanda University was a great centre of especially learning?

7 8308

To which ruler the title ?Lakh Baksh? was given?

4 10211

In whose reign the Rathas of Mahabalipuram was built?

9 10449

To which the Ahmedabad Satyagraha of Gandhi was directed?

6 8334

Now in which state was the former princely state Nahan?

5 7240

When D-Day is the day?


6 9699

Who wrote ?Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Humaare Dil Mein Hai??

31 33553

Who wrote the play ?Uttararamacharita??

12 16111

Who is hailed as the ?God of Medicine? by the Ayurveda practitioners?

8 11102

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Un-Answered Questions { SSC History }

Explain the fascist regime in Italy.


Explain about the nature of state control on economic activities during the Mauryan period?


What is your understanding of Agrarian crisis ?


Discuss the theories of Imperialism. To what extent do you believe that Imperialism was a factor responsible for the First World War?


Discuss the social and ideological background to the rise of the Marathas under Shivaji.


What is your understanding of the regional and chronological distribution of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures?


Comment on the Bronze Age Civilizations.


Explain about the concept of varna and jati in ancient India?


Was the rise of militarism in Japan due to the failure of parliamentary democracy?


What are the distinctive features of Mohenjo-Daro?


Explain about the features of Mathura and Gandhara School of Art? Examine the factors which lead to their growth.


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Discuss the ways in which panchayats and village headmen regulated rural society in the Mughal Empire.


The Americans were 'discovered' towards the end of the 15th century. What do you think?


How far did the constitution of India fulfill the aspirations of the various sections of Indian society?