kaise hum ek ias banna chahte hai
Tell me how computer use for communication?
What are the types of problems addressed?
What is the time taken to reach a rain drop on to the earth surface, and what is the distance or height from rain drop start to fall to the earth surface?
Define curie temperature?
Give a formula which relates wavelength and frequency?
What is meant by a diurnal cycle?
What is geo-synchronous point, and its specialty?
Why can not we think out of this universe?
What is seismic imaging?
Define declination?
the greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in
What are the benefits of geophysics?
What is the procedure to apply research papers leading to get Noble Prizes? I have developed a new theory on Earthquakes and willing to get it published in some International Journals.Can any one guide me where and how to send my research papers for publications?
What is a tomographic image?