QTP Interview Questions
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Call to copy of an action and call to existing action… i know the diff but in real project how to use..? i want live scenario.pls help me..


Functions call by reference and call by value. i want the diff b/n these 2 and how will be the script for this?in which situation we use these 2..?pls explain me clearly


What is meant by Step generator?what is the use of this? we have 3 steps know there what r all those.? can u all pls give me clear idea of this


what is meant by Utility object and utility functions?can u all pls explain these clearly.

1 2925

Why we have to import data from excel sheet to data table?becoz v can directly use test data directly from xl know. can u all pls explain me clearly

1 2389

what is meant by function library?Public and private functions in function library? if private functions are applicable for only for the particular test means then y we have to add those to function library?


what is meant by Implicit and explicit requirements?


What is meant by Environmental variables?2 types r there know…can u pls explain clearly?

1 2293

Diff b/n image n bitmap checkpoints?


2 3690

Output values? i want a practical example


What is meant by virtual obj and Y do v need virtual obj configuration.

4 3852

can u pls explain me About Driver script.

4 4256

what and how to answer for the question "tell me about yourself ?" for 3 years experience. can anyone say inj detail please... its urgent


what is the difference between ClassName and class in QTP?

3 3737

what is the difference between xmlutil and xmlDOM in qtp?

2 5006

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"What are the common constrains that we need to consider when we prepare testcases for ASP application". Thanks in Advance...


What is method name to compare two XML files.


Explain different checkpoints in qtp.


what is description object?


How to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in quicktest professional?


Explain types of output values?


Can anyone tell me how i used QTP 9.2 use for GIS based S/w with an example?


i have to login into gmail loginpage i have to pass testcase into userid and password by using functions. the test case of user id is it should take only lowerletters alphabetin between 4 to 6 length.it should not take spectial letters.it should not take numbers.testcase for password is it should take numbers and it should not take alphabets note the following things must happen 1 when i give correct password and userid that password and userid should be seen in QTP result and notepad,xl sheet 2 when i gave in valid password the system willgive message please give valid password that particular messaage should be seen in QTP result,norepa and xl sheet


How will internal and external links be validated and updated? how often?


what is meant by Implicit and explicit requirements?


explain keyword driven framework with banking domain?


What VBScript operators, functions, and statements do you use in QuickTest Professional?


How will you check a web application for broken links using qtp?


Explain about the test fusion report of quicktest professional?


how did u use automating testing tools in ur job?