1.In VB Script 100 lines Script. How can check the Syntax errors? 2. Write a VB Script for X = India/Srilanka/Australia/England/South Africa.I need the Output Country wise? [ 1st Msgbox India , 2nd Msgbox Srilanka] ---- 3. How can Choose these test cases to be automated?
5 6275With out using the task manager,how to close the application using vbscript and what is the statement?
1 4302
How to build scripts that access data from external sources?
How will internal and external links be validated and updated? how often?
How to check which add-ins are associated with a test in qtp?
can u explain the keyword driven framework with an example clearly how to create all the files and how to attach to main test.
what testplan contents and what test strategy contents,what is the diff b/w them
Explain the difference between check point and output value?
Whats the realtime QTP testing process
Hi All, issue is related to handling pop up script generated in IE, and run on mozilla. In App Under Test, when we get the alert pop ups, we just click ok button. if we need to run the same code on mozilla it will not identify . so we will check browser if browser(*).dialog(IE object).exits browser(*).dialog(IE object).winbutton(OK).click else 'by default mozilla browser(*).dialog(mozilla object).page(*).webbutton(OK).CLICK END IF But my qustion is. Do we write the above piece of code where ever we get such kind of pop ups from the application like alert pop up, confirmation pop up.... OR do we have any other alternative way to do this by using any functions in Recovery Scebarios? If Any of u know idea please do help me in this regard. or send answer to kravimb@gmail.com
Explain the types of object repositorys in qtp?
write the vb script for call to new action in qtp?
If I change the property value at runtime is it effect is object repository?
Does any one worked on JIL Emulator , Testing with QTP(automation). Trail Version of QTP is not identifying the child objects of JIL emulator, Can any one help me out ,
how can i sent QTP results to the Html, notefile ,xl file give me the code using g mail login page
Have you faced any problems with object repository?