Load Runner Interview Questions
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Hi, this is hari. I reciently joined in a small company on testing. there is no team for testing am only the person to do. i know manual testing, i have knowledge on QTP 8.2. I currently working on web based application. but in my company they want Load/Performance testing. plese tell me what i have to do?? i know Load runner but i have no real time exp on that! and In which areas i have to apply QTP??


1 2368

Where do you set Iteration for Vuser testing?

3 5715

Why do you create parameters?

7 10357

When do you disable log in Virtual User Generator?

1 4519

Explain all the web recording options? How did you find web server related issues?

1 12818

What is mutation testing?

4 5514

Explain lr_debug_message?

1 8839

How many types of scripts generated in Load Runner?

3 6242

What is visual recorder in Load Runner?

1 2391

What is a function to capture dynamic values in the web?

3 5132

How do you perform functional testing under load?

2 6243

Explain lr_output_message?

3 15702

What are the parameters in Load Runner?

1 4965

How did you find database related issues?


2 7454

What is the use of "swing time" in Load Runner?

1 4964

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Un-Answered Questions { Load Runner }

How to run a scenario?


What is performance testing in loadrunner?


What is the modular approach of scripting?


What are the four selection methods when choosing data from a data file?


When the loadrunner controller open the winrunner file then what is the location of the winner configuration file?


What are the different components of loadrunner?


What are the types of checkpoints is available in loadrunner?


How vugen create a vuser script?


Hi all, I am new to Load Runner. I have run the load runner and i got analyzed reports/graphs. But i am very much confused about how to analyze those graphs. Can any one help me out this problem?


how to add 100 for dynamic(correlate value) value


During run time where the hosts saves the files?


What in percentile graph?


What is loadrunner agent?


When loadrunner is used?


What are the process for developing a vuser script?