on modify statement, executeNonQuery returns zero rows affected even though there has been modification carried out sucessfully in the table.. can anyone tell me is this possible??? if yes, how..???
1 3608if we establish the cinnection with connection string tag in web.config file,can i go for encrypt and decrypt with that?
1 3480In Data grid the question is below quantity price total these are 3 fields available in data grid if you enter quantity the total has to update automatically.Price field is already filled completely
1639how can we create wcf in asp.net and how can we cll that in to asp.net application?plsss tel me each step clearly
1631What is difference b/w Generic List and Arraylist, Generic List Vs HashTable, Generic List Vs No Generic? Pls Explain with example.
2 8125
Define repository pattern in mvc.net? : asp.net mvc
What is protected configuration?
How to create multi language website in asp.net mvc? : Asp.Net MVC
What are the Types of authentications in IIS
Any one can tell how we store tiff format images in database and retrive from the database(need for tiff format only)
How do you remove duplicates without using remove duplicate stage?
Will the asp.net validators run in server side or client side?
In the Repeater control which way you can edit?
What is the difference between globalization and localization?
What symbol specifies the beginning of a query string?
What is IPostBack? How to use it?
i develop a web application and i gave security setting i.e autherization and athentication now it work properly on my local system , now question is ,is this security setting ie autherization and athentication which i gave in web.config will it be enough strong to secure my application on internet or i have to use some 3rd party tool or software to get security .if yes --how ? if no--what is the alternate?
COM+ Used ________________ Isolation Level
What are the main differences between asp and asp.net?
Why do we need url encoding?