ASP.NET Interview Questions
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I am trying to implement sorting facility from client side code in GridView Control. So how can I fill up an Array inside client side code (using JavaScript), i want to assign my DataSet object declared and filled up on Server side(in code behind) to the array (on client side)



The question is "After sign out from email, Then we click a back button , we can't go to the previous page ie inbox page, It is displaying a login form only" My doubt is How will code this , If u know please blog me through this or my mail. my mail id is


3 5909

hai to all. what is the procedure for " web hosting ".If you know please message me at "". Thank u...

1 3886

How will you write a web service for secure socket layer? What is secure socket? Have you done any socket programming? What is single thread and multi thread? What are the differences between .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.2? What is the command to connect to a StoredProcedure? How many types of Adapters are available in ADO.NET? Why DataAdapters are important? What is DataSet? It's important to compile the ASP.NET application before using it? What protocol you use to stream the audio and Video data? What are the different kind of network protocols? Write how will you connect to a database using DataSet? Why we use AJAX? What AJAX can do which JavaScript can't do? In a page using Windows Media API, if we press a button and in succession quickly press another button, what do you think will happen? Will the application wait for the first button response and then execute the second one or directly second button command will execute. What is the architecture of your application? What is connection pooling in SQL? Tell some functions of Windows Media API? How you will detect, whether the ActiveX is installed in the system before accessing it? What are validators are available in ASP.NET? What are the basic concepts of OOPS? What is abstraction?



Which keyword you should use for class not to extend? Which keyword to be used for making the class accessible within the assembly only what are the authentication mode of ASP.NET How will you call a JavaScript function using code-behind? How will you define the Session Timeout? What are the methods to validate client-side whether the input is a correct Date format? You want to write a log when ASP.NET application starts. Which is the best place to write that peice of code? What are the page load events and what is there order? What is the difference between abstract class and interface? What are the differences between DataSet and DataReader? What are the two properties other than DataSource, which is required to populate the Drop Down Menu? What is difference between String and StringBuilder Classes? What are differences between Custom control and User control?

Ignis Technologies,

1 4272

Suppose i create one application in vs 2008 and it is running in the latest version of IE,will it run in netscape and other browsers with low version?


2 3882

Can i have both C# and code in same assembly?how?


5 10678

Can we use multiple forms in single application?


3 6550

How can i include both C# and classes in same solution?

2 4498

Suppose there is one web farm with 3 servers inside with same configuration and the same project is running inside all servers.Which session mode is usde for all these and why?

3 6362

How to refresh a page in

4 7184

How can we Maintain more than on config file in one .Net web application and how?


1 4319

What is a Repeater Control and how does it works? and what is the diffrence b/w Gridview,datalist and repeater control?


2 5674

Is There any Third party tools are using in .Net Technologies? Can u Explain?


4 9210

what is impersonation in ASP.NET?

Accenture, Merrill Lynch, Wipro,

7 29859

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Un-Answered Questions { ASP.NET }

What is microsoft windows sharepoint services?


Differentiate between namespace and assembly.


What does passport and windows authentication mean in ASP.NET?


How do you use viewstate?


Who can consume WebAPI?


What is the basic purpose of the required field validator? How can you use a required field validator to check that the user changes the initial value of a text box? a listbox?


Explain the difference between server.transfer and response.redirect? Why would I choose one over the other?


How to find last error which occurred?


Where viewstate value is stored in


Elaborate differentiation between ViewState and SessionState?


Which property needs to be set for script manager control to extend the time before throwing time out expection if no response is received from the server?


What are the new features added from ASP to ASP.NET?


What is IPostBack? How to use it?


COM+ Used ________________ Isolation Level


Why session is necessary in web application?