Estimate the probability of a disease in a particular city given that the probability of the disease on a national level is low.
164How will you decide whether a customer will buy a product today or not given the income of the customer, location where the customer lives, profession and gender? Define a machine learning algorithm for this.
142From a long sorted list and a short 4 element sorted list, which algorithm will you use to search the long sorted list for 4 elements.
160How can you compare a neural network that has one layer, one input and output to a logistic regression model?
148You are about to get on a plane to Seattle, you want to know whether you have to bring an umbrella or not. You call three of your random friends and as each one of them if it's raining. The probability that your friend is telling the truth is 2/3 and the probability that they are playing a prank on you by lying is 1/3. If all 3 of them tell that it is raining, then what is the probability that it is actually raining in Seattle.
151You have been given the data on Facebook user's friending or defriending each other. How will you determine whether a given pair of Facebook users are friends or not?
167Post New Data Science Questions
Give some situations where you will use an SVM over a RandomForest Machine Learning algorithm and vice-versa?
You own a clothing enterprise and want to improve your place in the market. How will you do it from the ground level ?
You have a bag with 6 marbles. One marble is white. You reach the bag 100 times. After taking out a marble, it is placed back in the bag. What is the probability of drawing a white marble at least once?
Which companies participating in Insight would you be interested in working for?
How do data scientists code in r?
Find out K most frequent numbers from a given stream of numbers on the fly.
Explain the two main components of the hadoop framework?
What is the job of analytics?
Describe the various steps involved while carrying out an analytical project?
Explain k-mean?
State the difference between the expected value and mean value?
How would you do market basket analysis in r and python?
What are outlier values and how do you treat them?
What are the types of business decisions?
What is interpolation and extrapolation?