AI Knowledge Representation Reasoning Interview Questions
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Briefly describe 5 ways to do a "table lookup" in SAS.

Helios Pharmaceuticals,


What are the undesirable properties of knowledge?

1 9099

How should knowledge be represented to be used for an AI technique?

1 3922

How many types of entities are there in knowledge representation?

1 3956

What are the properties of a good knowledge representation system?

1 12270

What are the techniques to represent knowledge?

1 3078

What is relational knowledge?

1 2474

What is inheritable knowledge?

1 11302

List the major sources of knowledge.


Differentiate between documented and undocumented knowledge. 3. How is knowledge collected?


Define shallow knowledge and deep knowledge.

1 2919

Define procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge.


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Un-Answered Questions { AI Knowledge Representation Reasoning }

Differentiate between documented and undocumented knowledge. 3. How is knowledge collected?


List the major sources of knowledge.


Briefly describe 5 ways to do a "table lookup" in SAS.


Define procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge.