Visual Basic Interview Questions
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How to set a shortcut key for label?

2 8670

Name the four different cursor and locking types in ADO ?

1 7433

List out the ADO objects?

2 3982

What two methods are called from the ObjectContext object to inform MTS that the transaction was successful or unsuccessful?

1 4637

What is the benefit of wrapping database calls into MTS transactions?

1 4429

How would you declare and raise custom events in a class?

1 3408

What is the difference between a Property Let and Property Set procedure?

1 5839

What is the difference between ANSI and UNICODE strings when passed as arguments to a DLL?

3 13884

What is the difference in passing values ByRef or ByVal to a procedure?

1 5009

What is the purpose of the DoEvents command?

2 5294

Name and define the logical tiers in a traditional 3-tiered architecture?

1 4171

What is the difference between a PictureBox and Image control?

3 17971

Under which circumstance does a VB application ignore a Timer event?

2 3802

What does the NewIndex property return?

2 4124

What is the purpose of the ClipControls property on a form or container?

1 6837

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Un-Answered Questions { Visual Basic }

To find the current recordposition in data control.


___ is the control used to call a windows application.


How do I change the color of a form in visual basic?


State about the different types of visual basic data?


How would you create properties by using class Builder Wizard?


How would you add elements in TreevieW Control?


Maximum Control Names length?


What is data binding in vb net?


Explain the usage of Web Browser Control?


What is the use of Scalewidth and ScaleHeight Proeperty?


How do I make my applications screen-resolution independent?


what are the Types of cursors in RDO?


I'm getting error message "Reserved Error [-nnnn] ("There is no message for this error")" from Jet Engine 2.0.Why?


What is "NULL"?


What are the important components of OLEDB?