How to find size of the file. Which method or function is used to occomplish this?
What is the use of Tabledef?
What is the use of OLE?
How come I get a "No Current Record" error when I use a a Data Control on an empty table?
What are the types of Error? In which areas the Error occurs?
How can you save and Get data from Clipboard/ Recordset object consists what?
which property used to add a menus at runtime?
What is instantiating?
How do I remove/change the picture property of a control at design time?
What is the default model of the form?
How do I make the mouse cursor invisible/visible?
How can you determine performance standards?
How would you add elements and pictures to listitems in listview control?
What type of databases you can access through ADO Data Access Object?
Which property of textbox cannot be changed at runtime. What is the max size of textbox?