Oracle Forms Reports Interview Questions
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What are parameters?

1 3281

What are the Built-ins used for sending Parameters to forms?

2 3719

What is the maximum no of chars the parameter can store?

1 3072

How do you call other Oracle Products from Oracle Forms?

1 5274

How do you reference a Parameter?

1 3220

How do you reference a parameter indirectly?

1 3349

What are the different Parameter types?

2 3664

When do you use data parameter type?

1 2750

Can you pass data parametrs to forms?

1 3189

What are different types of images?

1 2664

What is the difference between boiler plat images and image items?

1 3400

What are the trigger associated with image items?

3 3877

What is the use of image_zoom built-in?

2 3959

How do you create a new session while open a new form?

1 3974

Any attempt to navigate programatically to disabled form in a call_form stack is allowed?

1 2937

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Forms Reports }

what is a package n what r the packages availbla in report


What is an SQL FORMS ?


Is it possible to have multiple layouts in a report?


if u want to delete all these detail block etc what will happen in form


hi,dis is Shasi.I'm searhing on cognos.1 want realtime scenarios with solutions.persons having hands on experience in real time plz help me out.and iwant one project with explanation please help me...


What do you understand by lov and how can it be used?


I need a query to list out "Subinventory Transfer" record from Oct 2016 to Oct 2017 for few users


how to use buttons,check boxes in paper layout,paper design and paper parameter form in oracle report developer 10g


What is the difference between BPA AND Contract What are documents and test cases u followed


What is a matrix report and how many minimum groups are required to prepare the same?


In oracle forms report, what is the maximum length of record group column? What are the different types of record groups?


can you convert or reverse engineer a fmx back to a fmb file?


how do u compile a form i.e .fmb file in Unix or in dos


in user parameter property we have list of values.can we write select query for binding? for example:: select empno from emp where deptno=:deptnum :deptnum is first parameter it displays distinct dept nos. if i do like this it is giving error:: bind variables are not allowed in the select statement


What are the Features of Forms 6i over 4.5? What are the Features of Forms 10g? What are the Features of Reports 6i? What are the Features of Reports 10g ?