iam looking for some scenarion on reporting concepts like - replacement path,customer exits, all types of variables. plese send me some important links and materials. so it will be helpful for me. thanks in advance
what is meant by compounding attribute tell me the scenario?
When coding the ABAP transfer rule, what are the important variables you make
What is a temporal join?
How will you add buttons to a template?
What is the dimension in bw? How would you optimize the dimensions?
Usually we mention T or O in CONFIRMATION TYPE. What is T and O , stand for ?
You want to convert bex query global structure to local structure. How would you do that?
how to display the date formats for example i hava a year like 2010 to 2011 bu i want to display in report like 2010-11 can u please explain this
What is characteristics derivation?
How would you know if a segment/segment level entry has been summarized?
What is the source for FIAR extractor from R/3?
What is update routines.
If you are asked to change the way tables are displayed in web reporting how would you do this?
What are intervals?