What is mrp (material requirement planning) and what is the transaction code to access mrp list?
790What is the difference between release procedure with classification and without classification and when they used?
829What is the procedure to make the source list automatically appear in material master as default if maintained at plant level using ome5?
797Post New SAP MM (Material Management) Questions
Can you post physical inventory document for a new material in sap or movement type 701 in sap mm?
Explain 'split valuation.' Why is it necessary?
Can we create pr with reference to another purchase order?
Give some example of master data in material management (mm).
Explain the 'storage location' in sap?
Can someone please share me the FSD for SAP MM related?? It would be great help and thanks in advance.
What is 'mrp'?
What mrp (material requirement planning) list is and what is the transaction code to access mrp list?
What is split valuation? What are the settings reuired for it?
How consignment stocks are created?
Explain return delivery?
All Interview Question on SAP MM
Where to get the goods movement type list?
What is the purpose of gr/ir account while posting good receipt and invoice verification?
Explain cut-over process in sap mm?