Solaris AllOther Interview Questions
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how to chk who r the users currently ogged in to the system..?

4 5446

How RPC will work..?

1 4911

Is there any difference b/w dhcp and jumpstart..?

2 4017

Unable to telnet any of my servers in the network..? wht may be the reason


3 5699

explain Jumpstat configuration..?


2 5062

Command to check all the process statistics..?

2 4342

Explain sar commands.?

3 8444

Difference b/w crash dump and core dump files..?

Mphasis, Sun Microsystems,

2 16892

wht is the umask value to crate directory with only rw options to root..?

3 4597

how to add a run control script..?

1 4907

what is the 3rd field of /etc/inittab file..? what are the possible values of that field...?

1 3771

In solaris we have 2 directories for commands. what are they..? is there any difference b/w those..?

3 4939

What is the profile file for ordinary user, when those will execute..?

2 4634

what is the difference b/w /etc/system profile and user profile...?

2 5253

wht is the purpose of autofs and automountd commands..?

2 6434

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris AllOther }

how can u give space garentee for volume in netapp storage


How do u know that,what patch can be applicable on the system?


hi to all,, i need few real time issues please provide me,, if you have any,,,


Hi, I need information regarding LDOMS.Like What is LDOMS ,Creation of LDOMS, errors on LDOMS, troubleshooting LDOMS...etc.... pls post the info. Regards, Naresh


What is the zone in DNS?


How to create a gateway?


In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?


what is mean by netfmd in sun cluster what is the use of netfmd and what is the relation between ccd and netfmd?


What is cachefs?


Local zone in shutting down to bring state of zone to installed?


What is the use of Sam utility in solaris


when i am starting solaris10 with 'fail safe mode' on intel machine it is asking "#starting shell".what is it and how to solve this problem?