SQL Server Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How many nested transaction can possible in sql server?

Bank Of America,

3 9584

hi,i want t0 knom d syntax for a super key with an example

1 4390

Advantages and disadvantages of stored procedures.


2 7099

how do you determine the Load performance of any query in sql server {example how do u determine performance of a select stmnt which returns Dynamically many no of records ... some times 100,1000,10000 etc., }

HCL, Wipro,


What is the difference between online clustering and Offline clustering?



When do u use clustered index and non-clustered index?


3 7712

What is the diffrence between update_one and auto_fix?


3 9831

what are the advanced features in sql 2008?


2 5365

Join 3 tables (table1, table2 & table3) in a single query. Inner join should be applied for table1 & table 2 and left outer join for table1 & table3 where table2.dept is ABC

2 7015

1. SELECT SUM(sal) as “Gross Salary” from EMPLOYEES; 2. SELECT MAX(sal) as “Highest Salary” from EMPLOYEES; ouput should be in table format

2 12546

two tables with table name ship(name,year) and battle (name,year),how to find the latest added year in the table ship

1 3274

If suppose in a table ship(name,year),find ship name having first and last name(i.e having space in between) ex: SAINT LOUIS,JET LAKE.

4 5142

select name of emplyoee whose total salary is 130 from following table. id name salary 1 a 100 2 b 20 3 c 50 1 a 30 2 b 70 Post the resulantant Query?

7 6714

here id col have primary key and identity id name 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d delete 2nd row then o/p will be id name 1 a 3 c 4 d next inssert 2nd row and i want o/p will be id name 1 a 2 e 3 c 4 d


7 6858

What is @@Identity in sql?

Cap Gemini,

1 5340

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

what is difference between NULL and ISNULL in SQL Server 2008?


What is serializable?


How many replicas are maintained for each SQL Azure database?


Can you tell me some of the common replication dmv's and their use? : sql server replication


can a database be shrunk with users active? : Sql server administration


Explain encryption of entire databases without the need for application changes in sql server 2008?


Can primary key be null?


How will you decide the active and passive nodes?


Tell me what do you understand by a view? What does the with check option clause for a view do?


Is BCNF better than 2NF & 3NF? Why?


What is sql collation?


Tell me what is the stuff and how does it differ from the replace function?


What is logon trigger?


What is the difference between insensitive and scroll cursor?


What is difference between equi join and inner join?