SQL Server Interview Questions
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Find top Nth employee from each department in terms of salary?


13 22226

How to get last system shutdown time in Sql server when restarted system?

1 8273

How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows...


9 9731

How will you collect the date from current date to last older 6 days date in sql server 2005

4 5068

how we can store the value like that 001,003,023 etc in sql server 2005

7 7553

Selet all the data from table where last name is n of employee

2 4481

How to find the latest updated value in a table without sending any parameters to that query

2 4751

how to improve the speed of SQL database server and how to avoid dead lock?


1 5447

What is the disadvantages of index?


3 7439

Hi All, I want to display all duplicate records in the table. My query has to fetch all the records which are duplicate(First Name or Last Name). Also I want the ability to also pull names where there might be a middle initial placed in the end of the first name field, (i.e., "Maria Z. " vs. "Maria") as well. Please guide me to find this. Table: ID FirstName LastName 1 Zach H Hoffman 2 Zach Hoffman 3 Troy Hoffman 4 Shawn Livermore 5 Prem S 6 Jony Hoffman H 7 Zach Modan I need the query to filter......... ID FirstName LastName 1 Zach H Hoffman 2 Zach Hoffman 3 Troy Hoffman 6 Jony Hoffman H 7 Zach Modan I hope this example will give you clear idea..... Thanks in Advance Prem

2 3708

select names starts with a,b,c

Scope International,

8 10978

How to convert a table data in XML format in sql server?


how to do partition in sqlserver



can any body tell me how to know the password of current user in sql server

Crea, HCL,


Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

When we should use @@error?


Please explain go command in sql server?


What is a cache in ssrs?


List the advantages of using stored procedures?


How many types of local tables are there in sql server?


What is sql server used for?


Explain trigger and trigger types?


Can you explain different types of locks in sql server?


there is a trigger defined for insert operations on a table, in an oltp system. The trigger is written to instantiate a com object and pass the newly inserted rows to it for some custom processing. What do you think of this implementation? Can this be implemented better? : Sql server database administration


How can sql injection be stopped? : sql server security


When columns are added to existing tables, what do they initially contain?


How will you know when statistics on a table are obsolete?


What are the new features of sql server 2012 reporting service?


What is snapshot parameter in ssrs?


What is buffer cash and log cache in sql server?