SQL Server Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is package and it uses and how can u call a package



What meant by Performance Tuning,how can we do the performance tuning on stored procedures and tell some steps to do the performance tuning


3 8777

how to take backup bcp out for a column in table in sql server?


how to find the particular row in table?(means suppose one table contain 10 rows , in these 10 rows how to find the particular row(example in 10 rows i want 5 row how)?

Accenture, IBM, Marlabs,

16 21957

how insert selected column only ?

Robert Half,

3 5421

when we use function instead of procedure? plz tell me the situation with ex?


3 9929

What are the new features in SQL Server 2005?


3 5670

What are the different types of backup avaible in SQL SErver

Emphasis, IBM,

6 8498

About Indexed Views? with example? plz reply...

2 7336

What is indexed views? plz explain with example?

2 3685

What is Covering Indexes? Plz explain with example

3 8695

what’s the difference between Covering Indexes and Clustered Indexes ? how to use clustered index small ?


what is Archive old data?

1 3002

could you please reply for these question: 1.About Use Apply? 2.Avoid cursors - When we have a situation that we can not avoid the use of cursor than what is the alternate solution? is there anything we can use instead of cursor to perform the desired task? which optiomize the peroformance too. 3.What is computed columns? Thanks in advance. Regards, Rupesh

3 4717

what is maximum size of temp db?


4 10527

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

What is the primary use of the model database?


What is the web service used for reporting services?


What is the difference between a unique key and primary key?


What is normalization? Describe its different types.


What is resource governor in sql server?


On a windows server 2003 active – passive failover cluster, how do you find the node which is active?


What is the full meaning of dml?


Explain what is it unwise to create wide clustered index keys?


how would you store your query in an SSRS report or a Database server?


How to maintain a fill factor in existing indexes?


there is a trigger defined for insert operations on a table, in an oltp system. The trigger is written to instantiate a com object and pass the newly inserted rows to it for some custom processing. What do you think of this implementation? Can this be implemented better? : Sql server database administration


Data is not being delivered to subscribers, what can be the possible reasons? : sql server replication


How to generate random numbers with the rand() function in ms sql server?


Can we perform backup restore operation on tempdb? : sql server database administration


How to connect to a sql server using odbc_connect()?