Solaris Interview Questions
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We have edit the /etc/passwd file and modify a user forget to give the shell will user able to loging?

2 4015

How many filed in /etc/vfstab

1 2949

After creating swap file update the same to /etc/vfstab what will be the fstype.

3 3989

How will you clear the soft error on disk

1 5913

How will you verify the disk and how many field will be there.

2 3137

How to modify the user from ragu to haz

3 4386

How will you find out enough memory?

2 3743

What command can be used in running a background process?

2 3774

How will you rectify the root passwd in solaris

1 3164

If the system panic or system not booting

1 3146

Explain /etc/inittab files

2 5961

How will you ad new aliases name

1 3422

What are printer daemon

2 3792

Explain inode


3 8184

Explain /etc/system file

1 3771

Un-Answered Questions { Solaris }

Hi We have upgraded our sun machine from solaris 9 to solaris 10. Before upgradation the date command output(Solaris 9) Wed Oct 13 09:45:21 IST 2010 But after upgradation the output for date is as below(solaris 10). Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:46:14 AM IST Looks like I need to change LC_TIME=C. can you please help me how to change it for permanently


How to check damaged scsi disk?


How to login to a remote host with solaris secure shell?


Explain the difference between swap -l & swap -s?


Benefits of SMF compared LRC(legacy run control)?


What is the use of Sam utility in solaris


How do you break the root password?


How can the user in solaris check the status of processes?


What is semmsl (max-sem-nsems in solaris 10+)?


Tell me how to set the path for core file?


Explain how to view shared memory statistics?


How can a user access a dos-format disk in solaris?


When iam loging in to my system as a normal user through the telnet I am not able to login, the message appears on the screen is unable to connect the host:the connection is refused. Please tell me the answers as soon aspossible?


what are all the latest server you are having in your company and its specification.


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5