how many hard disks can i able to connect to desktop pc and server (IDE & SATA) pls send this ans to my mail :
1 4268i am working in one company and i attend intervew they asked why do u want to chage company pls give me inteligent answar
3 5557my clients are getting services from servers but how to know which client is using which service. is there any files to keep information about these? clients used ftp, nis, samba, apache, squid, nfs and mail services how to know how many users got service from server side with date,time and client system ip ?
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What is the command to check cpu speed in linux?
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What does in makefile do?
How do I search bash history?
Is cmake a compiler?
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Brief about FTP hostname?
Explain about refer?
What does uname command do?
Which command is used to see the online manual?
Explain the linux directory commands along with the description?
What is filter command in unix?