Programming Languages Interview Questions
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Write a function that takes "depth" as argument and return sum of node's data of that depth. For instance, (0) depth 0 / \ (10) (20) depth 1 / \ (40) (50) depth2 If I pass get_sum_by_depth(2) , it would return 90 (i.e. 40 + 50 )



Binary tree question - Node has numeric data (int) The function takes depth as argument and sum all the value of the node of the depth. For instance, (0) depth 0 / \ 10 20 depth 1 / \ / \ 40 50 60 70 depth 2 so if you pass get_sum(2), you would return 220 which is 40+50+60+70 (sum of depth2) write the function.

Amazon, FGD,


Difference between data structure and data base.

CTS, Value Labs, Zoho,

7 31904

what is the difference between ph4 and php5

2 6814

What is the purpose of element of in Ajax


Can we remove an element in a single linked list without traversing? Lets suppose the link list is like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 We need to remove 4 from this list (without traversing from beginning) and the final link list shud be 1 2 3 5 6 only thing we know is the pointer to element "4". How can we remove "4" and link "3" to "5"?


6 6995

There is a number and when the last digit is moved to its first position the resultant number will be 50% higher than the original number.Find the number?

1 2609

Under what conditions is multiple inheritance not recommended?

1 4247

diff between pointer and reference in c++?

1 4293

Is there any book to know about Basics of C Language?

4 4121

How size of a class can be calulated?

2 3925

What is the difference between CV and Resume ?

2 4288

what are the stages of compilation


1 5794

What is optimization in c++? when using volatile.optimization is not possible..what does this mean?

1 3300

how is returning structurs from functions?Show an eg?


1 3450

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Languages }

What is the difference between echo print print_r and var_dump?


In an customer exit (include Z) program, only the last record is getting fetched. The exit is getting called after pressing save button. What to write for fetching the first record ? Before saved to a SAP table how can i call all these records in an itab in the exit ?


What is Primary Constructor? What is Secondary or Auxiliary Constructor in Scala?


How to Log in to the remote datamodule?


How long does a php session last for?


How to Get the longfilename from a file?


Does the 644 permissions on wp-config.php compromise the username and password to all other users on my shared server?


The statement, int(*x[]) () what does in indicate?


How to generate a request in laravel?


How do I prevent my images from being hot-linked by another website?


Explain the Role of Publisher in Joomla?


What are the different import functions in r?


What is the use of com component in .net?


How do I edit my homepage on wordpress?


What is function pointer c?