JCL Interview Questions
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We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?



We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?



Which storage devices are grouped under DASD and SYSDA ?


1 9402

When a dataset is UNCATALOGED in a JOBSTEP, how to get its UNIT and VOL in JCL to refer in subsequent steps ?


1 6220

FOR a GDG, the book by 'SABA ZAMEER' says 'We can NOT ALTER the LIMIT parameter after it is defined'. (p-211). But many persons have written that it can be changed, which one is true ?


4 6220

GDGs can be CREATED (not COPIED) only on DASD and NOT on tape drives ? Is it True ?


2 6509

How to ALTER the name of a GDG ?


2 25217

Can we DELETE all the Generations of a GDG at once, WITHOUT deleting the GDG itself ?


7 37909

Can a PROC CALL another PROC ? (in both Instream and Cataloged cases) ?


3 8274

A statement about PROCs is " In PROCs, Symbolic Parameters can be assigned on PROC and EXEC", BUT On which EXEC, (i) On the JCL's EXEC which is calling to PROC1. (Inside JCL, EXEC PROC1) (ii) or On the PROC's EXEC where it calls the PGM1. (Inside PROC, EXEC PGM=PGM1)


1 3423

Statement1 "We can not use UNCATLG in SMS managed VSAM datasets" Statement2 "We can not delete a SMS managed data set without UNCATLG it" (P-353, Saba Zameer book) Then how do we delete SMS managed VSAM datasets ?


1 4265

A statement about PROCs is " In PROCs, Symbolic Parameters can be assigned on PROC and EXEC", BUT On which EXEC, (i) On the JCL's EXEC which is calling to PROC1. (Inside JCL, EXEC PROC1) (ii) or On the PROC's EXEC where it calls the PGM1. (Inside PROC, EXEC PGM=PGM1)


2 4537

Is CPU time (TIME parameter) assigned to a JOB and JOBSTEP BOTH, by default ?


6 8154

you have one jcl .in sort step 5 files are there.if out of 5 files if one file is uncataloged or not there then how will you correct your jcl so that problem does not come. you should not create this file externally.how will u overcome it.

3 7665

What is the difference between a PDS member and a GDG Generation ? Is it only this, that with a generation we can use +1, 0, -1 etc while with PDS member we can not ?


7 19841

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in a jcl, a large volume dataset is loaded to a table using bmcload in step1 and an image copy of the loaded table is taken using bmccopy in step2. Step2 abends because the image copy dataset cannot hold the volume of the table. How can this be rectified?


What is use of restart and how to use it?


Explain the hierarchy levels in jcl?


Hello Guys, I have 1+ Year Experience in MAINFRAME TESTING. After 1 Week I have an Interview With a Company on Mainframe Testing. Please Could You Guys Please Suggest me What Sections Should I prepare ?? ___Tell Me the Topic Or Appropriate Site & Links. ?? ---------------Thank You


How do you create a temporary dataset?


How to override loadlib?


what are the statements that are not valid to be included in an include statement?


how to run batch program without jcl?


How to override a dsn that is contained in a proc called by another proc? I need to do the override in the calling jcl?


when can a job time-out occur? How to overcome that?


In sms datasets, what is the function of the dd avgrec keyword?


What statement marks the beginning of an in-stream or cataloged procedure in jcl and assigns default values to parameters defined in the procedure?


what is DD statement is used in JCL?


How to code these statements in JCL: CLEANUP INITIAL(NO) RESTART(NO) DYNALLOC(NO) job definition..?


What does it mean by Restart and Checkpoint in JCL ? How are checkpoints being taken and what is their usage ? How to use Checkpoint macro on a JOBSTEP ?