Web Related Interview Questions
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Can I just put the XML declaration on top of existing HTML documents? Can I intermix HTML 4.01 and XHTML documents?

1 2657

What is the easiest way to convert my HTML documents to XHTML?

1 3843

Why are browsers so fussy about XML? They were more accepting with HTML.

1 2891

Why should I care if my document is in correct HTML? It displays all right on my browser.

1 2778

Where can I go to verify my document uses correct markup?

2 3035

Why do you say "user agent" everywhere, instead of "browser"?

1 2637

Why do I have to use these namespace things in XHTML?

1 2719

Why is it allowed to send XHTML 1.0 documents as text/html?

1 2667

Which browsers accept the media type application/xhtml+xml?

1 3223

Does Microsoft Internet Explorer accept the media type application/xhtml+xml?

1 3066

CSS has a lot of special rules that only apply to HTML. Do these also apply to XHTML?

2 4442

Does document.write work in XHTML?

1 3057

Why is it disallowed to send XHTML 1.1 documents as text/html?

1 3014

Why was the target attribute removed from XHTML 1.1?

1 2878

What is the use of XHTML Modularization?

1 3454

Un-Answered Questions { Web Related }

What is the Best way of getting a natural backlink to your site?


your client's campaign is getting a lot of clicks, but the conversion rate is low. Which approach could help improve your client's conversion rate?


Why do we use html?


in order to target this particular user, which campaign language setting should an advertiser use?


What is alt text used for?


If you'd like your ads to show on certain sites across the internet, you can add these websites as?


Explain eventlog class?


Define ‘important’ declarations used in css.


What are the components of a web application?


How to make css shapes responsive.


What’s a document type definition (dtd) and where do I get one?


How to apply stylesheet with html element by id?


What is the head tag used for?


Tell me what is canonical url?


What happened when I press f5 within visual studio to run silverlight application?